WHERE ARE YOUR DIGS: Nashville Tennessee is where i live
WEBSITE: tramplamps.com
BLOG: http://krockbizz.blogspot.com, but ihaven’twritten anything on it yet
TOOL YOU CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT:–for my lamp biz? i suppose i would have to say Hot Glue Gun , but it seems like every crafter would say that item. – so my backup answer would have to be that there internet- as it has been the sole means of getting my lamps out to the planet.
When I am not working at turning lingerie into lamps I am…i’ll be honest here and say i am probably being ultra-nerdy and engaging in high-levelonlinemedieval-fantasythemegaming with 20 million of my closest friends. Obviously since the baby’s arrival i have had to take maternity leave from that lifestyle- but i am looking forward to a night not too far from now where i can melt faces by casting spells and chatting with my fellow nerds about Uber DPS. (damage per second)
I read on your bio that you decided to experiment with making lamps as an escape from your job at the shoe factory. What made you decide to include womens lingerie in your experiment? Please dont tell me it was something like your huge collection of Agent Provocateur as I sit and type this question wearing the same hot pink flannel pants and beat up Smiths T-shirt I slept in.
I love alternative light sources – as i see it. Nearly every light source in my home would be classified as non traditional: twinkle lights, a plastic nativity scene cow, so forth. Anyhow, this drive to make lamps steered me towards lingerie rather naturally. I had a strapless bra i had to wear for a bridesmaid get-up. it had a life of its own as it was so hard and stiff with padding and foam support. I made a prototype out of it – and it was too good to pass up as a fleeting idea. This was 5 years ago.
Before you opted for lingerie, did you experiment with making lamps out of anything else? What is the wackiest thing you ever made into a lamp? My mom has a lamp out of an armadillo shell and turned the saxophone I played in middle school band into a lamp, so I have seen some crazy lighting in my time.
I have always made lamps / lighting of some strange sort since i was in college sculpture classes as part of my art Minor. I have made lamps out of old jelly jars, bundt cake pans, shadow box frames and most recently: thrift store repurposed OWL-kitch .
How does a lamp maker from Tennessee manage to go on the Game Show Network, HGTV, Graham Norton Show and do the stage lighting for an Imogene Heap tour? That is such amazing exposure!
I have been incredibly lucky, but i am also not afraid to contact people i admire or send blind emails out to get more exposure and press. I think i am in a great position to be able to start each email to a production co. or famous person with “hi im kelly and i make lamps out of undies.” I am not bashful or shy and there was never any reason for me to put those hang ups on my business. I will never hesitate to contact someone i am a fan of or an outlet that i believe my creations could benefit. The worst thing that can happen is that they could say , “no thanks” or not answer the email at all.. and this certainly does occur from time to time.. and it isn’t anything to hang your hat up over.. not everyone will feel the same way about what i create. i would be creeped out if everyone in the world was nuts for tramp lamps- we need diversity.
From swim suits to slips, you make your lamps out of all kinds of delicate ladies garments. How does one keep up with the demand and keep stocked up on unmentionables? Do you live at the flea market and thrift store?
i live right off the best thrift store drag in Nashville. There are great spots here to get supplies & garments. I even find an assortment of padded hangers at these stores. I have been in tight spots before where i have received a spot of press and the demand was so great for lamps that i ran out, it is stressful, but it doesn’thappen very often. I always try to keep at least 2 dozen lamps up in the online gallery at all times. If a large order comes in for 8 or more lamps, i will make a push to add a slew of new lamps up as fast as a i can.
I just so happen to have a vintage hot pink nighty that belonged to my mother in the 60s complete with fringe. Does tramp lamp do custom orders if I wanted to send along said nighty? Wow I never realized that was slightly creepy until I typed it out, but even if it was my moms it is really cute.
Yes i do custom lamps. and you have said the magical words! I prefer to make custom lamps with garments that You provide, rather than you describing to me what you are interested in and Me going out hunting for your concept.. that can be quite a task of hit or miss. When you give me the garment, then you get the exact piece you want! Its such a great way to make your vision come about. I can provide the trim and any details such as fathers or beads. Now, not All garments make good lamps. So i would need to see a photo of what you have in mind before i could say if it could be illuminated.
Wow, these are AMAZING! One of the most creative things I’ve seen in a long time. And how fun to work with pretty, frilly materials all day. Great interview!